Matthew 24:14 says, "And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come"

Program and Curriculum


The KGM program offers a Certificate of Biblical Studies, which may be obtained by attending the day program full time for one year or by attending Online classes on scheduled evenings until a total of 42 academic credits are accumulated. Those successfully completing all 42 credits with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 will be awarded a Certificate in Biblical Studies.


The KGM program offers a two-year Associate Degree with a concentration in Ministerial and Biblical Studies. Students develop sound biblical knowledge and the ability to appropriate and apply this knowledge within the framework of a deep commitment to God. The goal of ACTS is to enhance not only the personal life and ministry of the student, but that of the Body of Christ at large.

To receive an Associate Degree in Ministerial and Biblical Studies, the student must complete the following requirements with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0:

  • A minimum of 84 academic credits (42 undergraduate-level courses).

(See Course Descriptions section for a sample listing of classes offered.)

  • 4 student ministry segments (80 hours total).

  • A 10-day missions trip, taken out of the country. (Written reports will be assigned before and after the trip.)

  • Weekly Cell Group sessions, Chapel/Prayer sessions, and Devotions.


Students who have successfully completed the two-year Associate Degree program may continue for a third year to receive a Bachelor of Divinity Degree. A final, detailed evaluation at the end of a required internship will be completed by the field supervisor, the Academic Dean, and the intern.

To receive a Bachelor of Divinity Degree, the student must already have an Associate Degree in Ministerial and Biblical Studies or equivalent and complete the following additional requirements with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0:

  • 12 academic credits (6 courses) at the graduate level.

  • 6 academic credits of Internship Practicum (3 courses).

  • 12 credits of internship (120 hours total / 40 hours per term). Must be approved, supervised, and evaluated.

  • 12 credits for approved Major Paper (minimum 20 pages plus endnotes and bibliography).

Upon receipt of the Bachelor degree, licensure or ordination may be pursued with a partnering ministerial association. Where appropriate, ACTS is available to provide the graduate with assistance in obtaining ministerial licensing or placement.


Master of Divinity (M.Div.):
This program is designed to prepare a student for full-time Christian ministry in a local church setting, para-church ministry setting, or other involvement in five-fold ministry. Practical, hands-on approaches to ministry will be integrated with graduate-level academic training by experts in the field.

To receive a Master of Divinity Degree, the student must already have a Bachelor of Divinity Degree or equivalent (this must include at least two years of academic Bible training and at least one year of hands-on, supervised ministry experience to be determined by the Academic Dean of ACTS) and complete the following additional requirements with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0:

  • 12 academic credits (6 courses) at the Master’s level.

  • 6 academic credits (3 courses) of student teaching at the undergraduate level.

  • 6 academic credits of Internship Practicum (3 courses).

  • 18 credits of internship (180 hours / 60 hours per term). Must be approved, supervised, and evaluated.

Master of Theological Studies (M.T.S.):
This program is designed to prepare a student for teaching at the Bible college level or in an itinerate capacity. Practical, hands-on approaches to teaching will be integrated with graduate-level training by experts in the field.

To receive a Master of Theological Studies Degree, the student must already have a Bachelor of Divinity Degree or equivalent (this must include at least two years of academic Bible training and at least one year of hands-on, supervised ministry experience to be determined by the Academic Dean of ACTS) and complete the following additional requirements with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0:

  • 12 credit hours (6 courses) at the Master’s level.

  • 6 credits (3 courses) of student teaching at the undergraduate level.

  • 24 credits for graduate-level thesis in Biblical Studies, Theology, or related area. The thesis will be a minimum of 30 pages plus endnotes and bibliography and is to be approved by a three-member panel-of-review and then submitted in final, publishable form.