Matthew 24:14 says, "And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come"
Course Description
BI201: Hermeneutics.
An introduction to an evangelical approach to Bible interpretation, including a discussion of current methods of biblical criticism and practical application.
BI202: Old Testament Survey.
A chronological overview of the Old Testament emphasizing a theological understanding of God’s covenantal administration and applications of the Old Testament to the Christian life.
BI203: New Testament Survey.
An overview of the New Testament, emphasizing the different purposes of each book and the completing of God’s plan of salvation.
BI207: Synoptic Gospels.
A concentration on the teaching and works of Jesus Christ as recorded in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Some attention will be given to the nature and formation of the synoptic problem.
BI208: Gospel of John.
A thematic study of the Gospel of John, with emphasis on the miracles/signs of Christ and the “I AM” discourses. Students will do exegetical studies on the topics such as believer’s baptism, and Christ’s fulfillment of the Old Testament types.
BI209: Book of Acts.
An exploration of the Acts of the Apostles, including the events described in the book and the impact of those events on the early Church and the Church today.
BI210: Romans and James.
Practical application of insights from Romans and James with special emphasis on how faith issues forth in Christian living.
BI211: 1 Corinthians.
A look at a first century church with the intention to balance, refine, and enhance biblical lifestyles and behaviors. Issues such as pride, arrogance, division, freedom, conscience, spiritual gifts, and worship will be discussed.
BI212: Non-Pauline Epistles.
An introduction to the content, general theme, and purpose for these epistles, allowing the student to make personal life-application by the Holy Spirit from each epistle.
BI301, 302, 303: Advanced Biblical Studies I, II, III.
For our third- and fourth-year students.
CH201: Church History.
This course will endeavor to give a basic understanding of church history to the student and instill in them an appreciation of the moving of God throughout the ages.
PM202: Person of the Minister.
This course is meant to shift attention from the ministry to the person who does the ministry. We will examine him/her in light of roles, humanness, social and professional pressures, past histories, and current and future idealism.
PM203: Family Counseling.
A practical, biblically-based training course teaching basic counseling skills for families and marriage. Emphasis is placed on understanding and setting biblical goals in family counseling.
PM204: Conflict Resolution.
This course builds upon the people helping skills such as good listening and compassion. It also applies understanding to common spiritual and emotional upheavals in church, family, and ministry.
PM205: Crisis Intervention.
This course will teach the student basic counseling skills for crisis counseling and intervention.
PM208: Steps to Freedom.
This course is designed to help the student resolve personal and spiritual conflicts by finding and maintaining their freedom in Christ and helping others do the same.
PM211: People Helping Skills.
This practical training course teaches basic personal counseling skills and prepares students to help people in crisis. It is a biblically-based course that focuses on understanding family beliefs, suffering, people in crisis, and personal problems.
PM212: Ministering Wholeness.
How can we, as Believers, become ministers or instruments of God’s healing to others? This course seeks to answer this question and more while keeping our hearts fastened on Christ’s return to resurrect us as our ultimate hope.
LI201: Character of the Believer.
Learn the fundamentals of who God is and who He is not, as well as how He reveals Himself through a believer’s character.
LI202: Personal Skills.
Get equipped to deal with basic relationships including dating, courting, marriage, and choosing to remain single.
LI203: Character of the Church.
Learn the biblical principles of unity within a church body, as well as what needs to happen for a healthy church body to emerge.
LI204: Interpersonal Skills.
Discuss the aspects of spiritual accountability along with how to be a family or community of believers within the Body of Christ.
LI205: Character of the Minister.
This course will give the basic fundamentals of incorporating faith, evangelism, Christian ethics, and reconciliation in the life of the minister into daily life.
LI206: Ministry Skills.
Learn biblical principles for your personal and ministry finances using practical Christian decision-making tools.
LI208: Marriage & Family.
This course shows how to equip couples to minister to their respective needs, using their unique giftings and individual roles as husband or wife. Also teaches ways to “train up a child…so that when he grows older, he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6).
PR201: Introduction to Ministry.
This class will look at various aspects of ministry including youth ministry, children’s ministry, discipleship, and pastoral care. We will be looking at the question, “Where do we go from here?”
PR202: Praise and Worship.
This course is designed to familiarize you with the diverse aspects of a church music ministry including praise and worship, traditional and nontraditional services, administration, drama, and other relevant topics.
PR203: Prayer and Intercession.
An introduction to a deeper relationship with God the Father, emphasizing the power of prayer and the authority of the believer in Christ, as well as the priorities and disciplines of a committed prayer life. The course includes workshop experiences and opportunities for personal and corporate prayer.
PR204: Spiritual Warfare.
This course encourages the student to become aware of Satan’s devices and the power available to them in Christ, while moving toward being a soldier on the front lines.
PR205: Evangelism.
Designed to equip students for evangelism by emphasizing the biblical basis for outreach. Principles and practices of evangelism will be included as well as opportunities for practical experience.
PR206: Introduction to Preaching.
An introduction to the principles of preaching, both testimony and teaching. This course will address both preparation and practice and will emphasize student participation.
PR207: Mission Strategies.
The student will learn how to successfully prepare for a short-term experience or a life-long mission’s career. Emphasis will be on the preparation, the mission experience, and the return.
PR209: Authentic Walk.
This course is designed to lead the student into an understanding of those attributes needed in the life of a leader for an authentic walk with God that is established to the glory of Jesus Christ.
PR210: Going On to Maturity.
God calls us to maturity, but that process of growth is not always easy. We need to identify the stepping stones and stumbling block that help or hinder our progress, and grow in trust and obedience, learning to recognize the benefits of trials.
PR215: Mission Perspectives.
This class will lead the student in an understanding of world missions as defined and mandated in the Bible, the history and expansion of the World Christian Movement, the understanding of cross-cultural missions and missions terminology, and the strategy in missions development.
PR217: Seated in Heavenly Places (Authority of the Believer).
The purpose of this course is to discover our authority as Believers for the world and for the Body of Christ and how to release that authority with power in our lives.
CM201: Spiritual Leadership 1.
An introduction to the dynamics of faith and vision-the essential ingredients in Christian life and ministry.
CM202: Spiritual Leadership 2.
This course will introduce you to the principles of spiritual leadership, examine the process by which God brings it forth, and explore its function (prerequisite: Spiritual Leadership 1).
CM203: Spiritual Leadership 3.
This course deals with three specific areas: finding and releasing your ministry; the Ephesians 4:11 ministry gifts; and principles of spiritual leadership (prerequisite: Spiritual Leadership 1 & 2).
CM204: Roots and Dynamics of Church Renewal.
A study of the spiritual renewal in the Body of Christ today. The course also examines the roots and principles of related movements in the church, including church growth, restoration, faith, charismatic movement, etc.
CM205: Healing Ministry of the Church.
This course examines how healing ministry can be restored more broadly as part of the Church’s witness to Jesus Christ. Students will also be taught how to pray for healing for others in Jesus’ name.
CM301, 302, 303: Ministry Skills I, II, III.
For third-and fourth-year students. Topics vary.
TH201: Christian Doctrine.
A brief survey of the basics of Christian faith, including topics such as authority, God, creation, image of God, sin, election, moral law, the person and work of Christ, justification, the work of the Spirit, the Church, missions, final judgment, and the end of the world.
TH202: Person & Work of Jesus.
To understand the nature, character, and heart of Jesus, with the aim of deepening our love for Him and our desire to be like Him.
TH203: Attributes of God.
A study of the being and character of God, emphasizing such qualities as holiness, love, graciousness, and wrath, while examining the impact of these qualities upon the Christian life.
TH204: Holy Spirit.
This course will introduce the student to the third Person of the Trinity, His person and character, His work in the world and in the life of the believer.
TH205: Nature and Function of the Church.
This course will instill within the student an understanding of the nature, function, and mission of the Church, as well as develop an understanding of the ordinances and sacraments of the Church.
TH206: Faith Dynamics.
A fresh look at the concept of faith in relationship to daily life. The source, expression, and dynamics of faith will be under special consideration, together with how to respond to failures.
TH207: Developing New Wineskins.
This course examines how church life is shaped by cultural context and the needs of the audience receiving ministry.
TH208: Eschatology.
This course will focus on the basic biblical framework for understanding the meaning and purpose of Christ’s return as Redeemer, Judge, and King. It will also look at the various and most common views that Christians hold regarding the end times.
TH210: Christian Ethics.
Christian lifestyle in a non-Christian world, as guided by the Holy Spirit, will be examined in the light of the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount.
TH301,302,303, 304, 305, 306: Theology Seminar I, II, III, IV, V, VI.
For third-and fourth-year students. Topics vary.
Cell Groups.
A place where family happens, body ministry takes place, and you are placed into a safe environment where you can be vulnerable with other students and staff.
A time to learn, pray, and praise, as well as teach and share from your own experience and devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Missions Trip.
Use your skills and talents and heart to serve overseas while completing your graduation requirements toward either a bachelor or associates degree.
Available through prior arrangement and approval by Academic Dean.